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Write 4 My Soul Expressive Writing Workshop

   Are you experiencing prolonged sadness, depression, and/or anxiety?

   Do you feel tired and stressed out?
   Are you having trouble controlling your anger and emotions?
   Past or present trauma holding you back? 
   Has physical, verbal, or emotional abuse negatively impacted your self-esteem or confidence?
   Are you suffering from substance abuse?
   Would you like to work through these issues in an enjoyable, creative, and unconventional manner?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Write 4 My Soul can help you!

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Write 4 My Soul Logo .png


Write 4 My Soul is an expressive writing workshop that utilizes various artistic written styles of expression such as poetry, journaling, lyric writing, storytelling, etc., to deeply explore thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are often deep-rooted in adverse experiences, memories, and trauma.

Our program has 4 primary goals:

1.     Promote the positive effects of expressive writing in combating mental health illnesses, stress-related issues, and traumatic encounters.   

2.     Encourage individuals to take ownership of their mental health in an unconventional manner.

3.     Destigmatize negative perceptions surrounding mental health illness and treatment, supporting individual healing, freedom, and wellness. 

4.     Provide people with effective tools to minimize conflict and negative behaviors brought about by the normal stressors of life. 

Benefits of Expressive Writing

The scientific evidence is clear that writing to manage stressful, painful, or traumatic events (including abuse) improves physical, mental, and emotional health.  Expressive writing helps you break out of a limited mindset, into a life free of toxic emotional, spiritual, and physical limitations.  


James Pennebaker, professor of psychology at the University of Texas and pioneer in the field of expressive writing, shares that expressive writing can:
•    Enhance your immune system
•    Lower your heart rate 
•    Improve your mood
•    Reduce stress and anxiety
•    Spark behavioral changes (e.g., improvements in grades and decreased alcohol intake) 


Expressive writing can be fun and life-changing.  Not only does it release toxic junk from your heart, but it also boosts your immune system and promotes a positive outlook. It is also a wonderful cure for releasing deep emotional pain, bitterness, resentment, and anger.  


Let us show you how to live a life of peace.  Embark on a literary journey of self-exploration and mental wellness today. 

Write 4 My Soul Is a Holistic Program

    We focus on the whole person, including their mental and social environment.  We not only provide effective tools to address mental health issues and traumas but guide individuals to finding clarity on how their mental health issues and traumas are derived. In other words, we get to the deep-rooted issue, remove bad weeds, plant seeds of inspiration, fertilize souls through written expressions of positive thinking and affirmation, and support individuals as they blossom into the beautiful person they were born to be.    


Although the outcomes are powerful and life-changing, our program is fun, relaxing, and lighthearted.  We empower people to freely write about thoughts and feelings attached to their stressful and traumatic life experiences without judgment or concern for style, spelling, punctuation, or grammar.  Our job is to GUIDE… not GRADE!  We help them translate these chaotic emotions and feelings into words; reflect and connect them to challenging experiences, make sense of the correlation; release stress, negativity, and unconstructive thoughts; and replace them with positive affirmations.  In the end, they reclaim their authentic voice and join a community that’s connected through shared stories and experiences.  


An Alternative to Traditional Counseling 


Traditional counseling can be an effective method for addressing mental health issues, but it is not for everyone.  Some people are not comfortable talking to a stranger about their problems, and others fear being judged due to negative stigmas surrounding mental health diagnosis and treatment.  In addition, traditional counseling can be expensive, and not everyone has health insurance coverage .  

 Psychological wellness and growth can take many forms, and traditional counseling is but one of them.  There are a wide variety of methods for self-healing; expressive writing is one that Write 4 My Soul specializes in.  

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